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TradeshowGuy Monday Morning Coffee, June 29, 2020: Music

TradeshowGuy Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly video business diary, although sometimes we veer into personal stuff. Hey, all business is personal, right? This week, I explore music and what it’s meant to me all of my life.

This week’s ONE GOOD THING: Music. Listen to some now.

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Using Music at Your Tradeshow Booth

Headphones...or speakers?

Have you ever been walking through a tradeshow only to be diverted by the onslaught of a loud steady hip-hop beat from a booth three rows away? It’s happened to me a few times.

Typically, if music at a booth is too loud, neighbors will complain and it won’t take long for the music volume level to drop to acceptable levels, whether voluntarily or through enforcement by show organizers.

So does all music at a show rub people the wrong way? And with thousands of exhibitors won’t low-volume music get lost in the hustle and bustle?

Perhaps, but there are ways music can be used effectively. At a recent show I was drawn to a faint but persistent reggae beat emanating from inside a small barn-like structure. Once inside I heard Bob Marley’s “Jammin'” and I was treated to a small art display that enhanced the exhibitor’s image in my mind. Of course, being a stone-cold reggae and Marley fan helped, too!

Across the floor I heard light new age music that was barely audible from ten feet away – but it sounded perfectly appropriate for the product on display.

In both cases the music was unobtrusive and supported the client’s image. If you’re going to consider music as a background for your tradeshow it should do both.

© Copyright 2016 | Oregon Blue Rock, LLC
Tradeshow Guy Blog by Tim Patterson

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