Since my Twitter handle is @tradeshowguy, you’d think I follow a fair amount of people in the tradeshow and event industry on Twitter. And you’d be right.
And if you want to find out who they are, the easy way would be to just go to my Twitter page, click on ‘following’ and you’ll see the list.
But if you want to follow some of the #tradeshow and #eventprofs I follow you’ll find yourself wading through a few thousand folks – not all of whom are in the event industry. In fact many are probably not in the industry, and many more are only peripherally related.
But I ran across a cool tool thanks to Rob McGuire here in Salem. He had posted a list of Salem, Oregon tweeps, which intrigued me enough to see how he had created it.
Turns out to be a tool created by TweepML which allows you to create a list and then encourage your readers and followers to easily pick and choose which one of those on the list you want to follow.
Pretty nifty…so check out the list of event folks that I follow: lots of industry people, publications, exhibitors, consultants, presenters and other folks – hopefully all of them related in some way to the event industry:

Or click here:
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by SalemBizNet: @RobMcGuire Cool…just mentioned you in my (other) blog: thanks for the tip on TweepML!…
Tweets that mention Tradeshow & Event Folks to Follow on Twitter | Tradeshow Guy Blog -- ,
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tim Patterson, Tim Patterson, Tim Patterson, Kubik, traci browne and others. traci browne said: very cool tool RT @tradeshowguy: Tradeshow & Event Folks to Follow on Twitter -.. […]
Tradeshow & Event Folks to Follow on Twitter « Expopedia ,
[…] April 26, 2010 Since my Twitter handle is @tradeshowguy, you’d think I follow a fair amount of people in the tradeshow and event industry on Twitter. And you’d be right. And if you want to find out who they are, the easy way would be to just go to my Twi … Continue reading … […]