After my Blogging 101 webinar earlier this week, I connected with a couple of folks who attended that were interested in finding out more. One question came from Sarah Meeks of Configurations in Florida: what B2B blogging resources are my faves?
Well, actually she asked which was my fave – singular. But I can’t stop at one!
So here’s the brief list I came up with – I think highly enough of these resources that I thought it would be worth a blog post:
Lots of great blogging resources…some of the more consistent and useful include:

- – Darren Rowse’s deep pro-blogging resource – the more you browse the site, the more great stuff you will find.
- – Valeria Maltonia; a blog not necessarily about blogging, but a great resource for creating business conversations – plus Valeria is a great blogger and I learn a lot from her.
- is also very useful on the whole social media landscape.
- – a terrific site with tons of useful info on blogging and social media
- and finally if you want to follow the mobile marketing platform, which is gaining ground rapidly:
Those are but a few of my favorite blogging resources. What are yours?
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Bruce ,
Those are a few good resources, I follow most of these blogs on Facebook myself.
.-= Bruce´s last blog ..Need To Increase Trade Show Traffic You Need SEO =-.