If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know I produced a podcast for years back in the Golden Days of Podcasting. Actually, it happened starting before podcasts were a thing, mainly because I’m an old radio hack who tried to learn about the tradeshow industry by calling experts, consultants and others and recording an interview with them. Those interviews got posted on the website of my former employer (now retired and the business is gone), and when podcasting rolled around as a thing in 2005 or so, I morphed the interviews into an intermittent podcast.

Then a year ago I started doing a webinar a month and eventually set up TradeshowGuyWebinars.com as a landing page for signing up. My goal was to do one per month and managed to pull it off for the most part. Some had guests, others did not.
In the past few months I’ve stumbled on a handful of business people who are doing weekly video blogs, or vlogs. They’re turning on the camera and going either live or recording themselves for 5 – 10 minutes and then posting on their blog. They discuss business and personal stuff. To me it’s a great way to get to know someone beyond just their business self.
After mulling it over for a couple of months, I’ve decided I’m going to give a try. Starting in January (exact date TBD), I’m going to log on at nine o’clock Monday mornings onto the webinar platform and do a live vlog. Should be fun! We’ll see what happens. I’ll give it 3-4 months and if it’s still going well, I’ll keep going. If I run out of things or just can’t seem to get in a groove, I’ll pull the plug. Fair enough?
Okay. Sign up for login links at TradeshowGuyWebinars.com or watch for the replay here on the blog.